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The Reverse Cockroach and Her Un-Nap

A bit of an odd day schedule-wise yesterday... due to a somewhat new phenomenon. I put Alex down for her first nap at her usual time (10 AM) and went about my morning routine. Fifteen minutes into the nap, I heard her fussing a bit (okay, I can let that go a bit) and then outright crying. So, when the crying started, I went to check things out. A sworn side-sleeper, she was on her tummy. So, I flipped her back over onto her back so she could get herself onto her side. She CAN go from tummy to back on her own, but she normally won't, for some reason... hence the "reverse cockroach" title. Anyway, so I assisted her in getting comfy again and left. I think she went to sleep briefly but awoke again within 30 minutes or so, crying. So I went in and she was on her tummy again. Flipped her again and she was fine. But again within 20-30 minutes she was awake and unhappy on that belly. And by this time, she was also hungry. It was noon, so I got her up and fed her some lunch, put her into her PAJAMAS (to send a message that it was SLEEP TIME) gave her a bottle in the rocking chair, and put her into her bed. She slept for over 2 hours, and got up at 3 PM. Wacky. Our whole day was a bit off kilter, but I did get to keep checking in on Heather and Cam, who were working on crib naps and doing remarkably well! Heather used two cute analogies - one of a coach, and one of a mother dog with her puppy. Her entries and notes from yesterday are adorable and heart-warming. Keep it up, Coach Mama-dog!

Anyway today is going much better with Alex - she slept until 8:15 AM, a late sleep-in for her that always leaves her refreshed and especially chipper. We had our normal morning of playing on the floor while I drank coffee, followed by her breakfast (mmm... apricots!) which went pretty well, and then we changed clothes to get ready for our walk. Here she is, grinning in anticipation!

The walk was AWESOME! All blue skies and warm temperature with perky birds and friendly flowers and waving neighbors. Alex stayed awake and sitting up with her hands on the front of her stroller the whole 3.5 miles. Then we came home and she drank a bottle, we read "Guess How Much I Love You" (does anyone else have to talk around a lump in her throat every time she tries to read this book to her little one? it's my all time favorite, but i do get all emotional over it.)

and then I put Alex into her crib, hoping we wouldn't have a repeat reverse cockroach problem again today. And we haven't... Look at this little cutie! I snuck in and took this a bit after she'd gone to sleep. She is evidently going to be like her daddy and big brother and like having covers over her head when she sleeps. She had to really work to get this blanket, because when I left, it was out of reach at the foot of her crib, about 3 feet from where she is in this photo. She is really moving around in there these days!

Well, I have small group tonight so I need to go read tonight's chapter. I think Alex and I will go over to the Goodwill store and look at toys. I love Goodwill for toys... cheap, usually in great condition, and a pretty good selection. And when we're done with them, we'll be able to take them back to Goodwill and not feel guilty for having wasted a bunch of money on stuff we didn't use for long. Same is true for books, too. Then I can spend the money I save doing that on clothes, which can get to be pretty expensive, because I have very strong preferences as to what Alex wears. I tend to be drawn more classic, old fashioned stuff (I guess I am mostly an old-fashioned Mother in general), and that's hard to find anywhere outside of the pricier specialty stores, except when you get really lucky. I am so thankful that my mom and sister did such a great job preserving the old dresses from when we were babies. They are in such great condition, and are exactly what I like to dress Alex in when we go out. That alone has saved me lots of clothing money.

Speaking of old fashioned, I owe Ellie a discussion about going back to work. In a nutshell, I won't be going back to work, unless something happens to Al. I want to be here to take care of Alex - my life's dream since I was tiny was to be June Cleaver, pretty much. I enjoyed having a career for 15 years, and I'm starting my "real life" late, but I'm happy to be starting it on my (well, our) own terms. I am reasonably certain I will homeschool Alex, simply because I want to keep her safe, make sure the values she adopts are (mostly) her father's and mine, and most importantly share the amazing experience of learning with her. My sister's four children are all homeschooled and are just fantastic kids and happy and well-adjusted. So, for now, and unless something happens to change my mind (unlikely), until Alex leaves for college (which I try not to think about at this point!!), we'll be spending a portion of each day in school, which means I won't be able to work, really. And that's okay by me!

I realize people have strong and polar opposite views on homeschooling. I remember when my sister announced she'd be doing it, I thought she was nuts (but I kept that to myself, because it's her business, afterall) and worried about my niece, Olivia. But having watched how she and the others have absolutely THRIVED, and having had in-depth conversation with my sister AND her two older kids while we were at the beach last month, I am
even more sure Alex and I will go this route.

Okay must go do hair and make-up before Alexis is up and ready to smear her lunch all over both of us.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

(Lyrics to Summer's Here by James Taylor.)

adopt your own virtual pet!

Cully has been brought out of retirement just for our sweet friend Abbey, because she likes to feed him steak! Cully says "Thanks for the grrrrreat steak, Abbey! Yum yum! Purrr..."