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take your bean to work day

Alex is off to work with her Daddy this morning! Daddy knew it would be a little bit less of a serious work day since many of the bank's employees will be on vacation, so he volunteered to take her (I think he's been wanting to for awhile and the ladies at his local office love it when she comes for a visit) and give me a few hours to get some things done. Bean was SOOOOO excited that she couldn't eat her breakfast and she wanted to wear her "work coat" all morning, long before it was time for her to leave. She wore her little white ruffled blouse, a denim jumper, white tights, black patent leather shoes, a white bow in her hair, and her grey wool dress coat with black velvet trim. She looked like a very professional little angel! Daddy even had a little name/security tag for her to clip onto her pocket so she can look just like him! She's getting so grown up. I am excited for a half a day alone (I'm going to go do the Easter Bunny shopping!) but it was harder than I thought it would be to watch my two lovies leave. And now the house is just SILENT, which is very very strange!

What never fails to surprise me is how much anxiety I feel when the two of them go out in the car together without me. What if there's an accident? I could never ever survive if I lost BOTH of them at the same time. And they'll be in a BANK branch, ground floor. Anyone could just walk into the bank and ... well. I really should just stop thinking about this and get on with my day and be happy about it. What will make me happiest, though is seeing both of them walk through the door at lunchtime, safe and sound, and hearing all about my Bean's adventures on her day at work with Daddy!

There is so much irony involved in being a Mama.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

(Lyrics to Summer's Here by James Taylor.)

adopt your own virtual pet!

Cully has been brought out of retirement just for our sweet friend Abbey, because she likes to feed him steak! Cully says "Thanks for the grrrrreat steak, Abbey! Yum yum! Purrr..."