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A New Look and a New Toof!


Yes, on our way home from Nana's, I gave Alex my knuckle to gum and suck on a bit because she was starting to get antsy in the car, and she gummed and gummed and ... OOOOF! A little pointy mcpoint found its way into my flesh and guess what it is? It's the corner of my baby girl's first little pearly white! And it happened with zero teething nightmares at all! She hasn't even been very drooly, and was a perfect angel yesterday at the birthday party! No yucky diapers, no red cheeks... nothing. I'd never have guessed we'd have a tooth today! I'm awfully proud of this baby. She is a total trooper!

Also in the New category, our diary's New Look, thanks to Kate! To see Kate's diary and learn all about this fabulous and talented lady (and her precious son, Hunter), click on "design" on my NEW menu bar, or on "kate and hunter" which is listed slightly lower on the bar. Isn't Kate fab? You can see another ejemplo of her work if you look at "jemma and jaya" too. I just think she's the cat's pjs, personally. And she gave me my pink polka dots and a little piccy of some honeysuckle, too, in honor of my beloved Southland in the springtime! Thank you Kate! Hug hug hug. You have inspired me to learn more about this whole html mystery, so I can make pretty pages myself, someday!

Anyway the new look is supposed to make our diary seem to be an old fashioned photo album. I think she absolutely captured the idea, even adding the adorable "photo corner" detail. Marvelous Kate!

Well, Al and I are both sick today, on a rainy Memorial Day Monday. He is suffering (but improving) with a nasty ear infection, and I am either starting a cold or dealing with some new allergy or another. So I'm off to curl up next to him in our bed and listen to the rain falling, as Alex naps peacefully across the hall in her crib, with Katie and a nice cozy bwankie. We had chicken noodle soup for lunch. It is an oddly snuggly day for the last of May. I am always thankful for days like this, to give us an "excuse" to just hibernate inside, just our little family.

Will post pictures of the bday party tomorrow, and Alex on her new little scooterish thing I found at Goodwill for a fraction of its retail cost. Love bargains. Love them.

Happy Memorial Day. And yay for Alex's new tooth! What a milestone!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

(Lyrics to Summer's Here by James Taylor.)

adopt your own virtual pet!

Cully has been brought out of retirement just for our sweet friend Abbey, because she likes to feed him steak! Cully says "Thanks for the grrrrreat steak, Abbey! Yum yum! Purrr..."