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all these QUESTIONS! already!?

Monday morning, I told Alex we were going to KidRock. I took a different route than normal in the car, as a major intersection we normally go through has been closed off for some repairs. As I made a "wrong" turn, Alex chimed in from the back seat, "Where are you going, Mama?"

More amazingly (to me, anyway), yesterday, in an effort to avoid that same intersection on our way to the Parent/Tot center, I turned down a road I'd never been down, to see if it would provide a good "cut-through" to the road I needed to get to. I didn't say anything at all, we just rode along listening to the radio until the road (unfortunately) dead-ended and I turned around.

"What are you looking for, Mama?" asked Alex.

I had to ask her to repeat herself.

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. LOOKING. FOR?" she belted out. (She got the SLOW and CAREFUL repetition thing from me, because I do that to her when she "huh?"s me after I ask her a question.)

She's two! How does she know to ask me these questions? It's WEIRD.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

(Lyrics to Summer's Here by James Taylor.)

adopt your own virtual pet!

Cully has been brought out of retirement just for our sweet friend Abbey, because she likes to feed him steak! Cully says "Thanks for the grrrrreat steak, Abbey! Yum yum! Purrr..."